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您的当前位置:深圳市梦想电子有限公司 > 元器件产品
The Al120, Al121, Al122. Al123, and Al125 Hall-efeunipolar switches are extremely temperature-stable a
stes-esistant sensor ISs, especillysuited for operatic
over extended temperaure ranges to 150°C. Superior hig.
temperature performance is made possible trough dynam
ofiset cacelltion, which reduces the eidual ofiset olag
normally caused by device overmolding, temperatur
dependencies, and thermal tress.
Eachdevice includes ona singlslicon chipa voltageregulaton
Hall-voltage generator, smal-signal amplifer, choppe
stabilization. Schmit trgger, and a short-circuit protecte
open-drain output to sink up to 25 mA.
An on-board regulator permits operation with supply voltages
of 3 to 24 V. The advantage of operating down to 3Vis that
the device can be used in 3V applications Or with additional
extermal resistance in seris with the supply pin for greater
protection against high-voltage transient events.
For the Al120. A1121. A1122, and Al123. a south pole of
sufficient strength ums the ouputon. Removalofthe magnetic
field tums the outputoff The Al125iscomplementar,in that
for these devices, a south pole tuns the Al125 output ff, and
removal of the magnetic feld tums the output on.