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- 会员类型:普通会员
- 地址:深圳市光明区凤凰街道塘尾社区南太云创谷2栋508-518
- E-mail:m1611@mornsun.com.cn
Three-phase sensorls BLDC motor control FET driver
Thee-phase sinusoidal drive with soft stat
Sensoress start-up and commutation
Windmilldetection and synchronization
Boostrap gate drive for N-chamel MOSFET bridge
5.5 to 50V supply range
SPI-compatible interface
Programmable control modes: speed, voltage, curent
Peak current limiting
Control via SPI or PWM
Programmable gate drive fo slew rate control
LIN / PWM physical inerface with wake
Logic supply regulator with curent imit
MCU watchdog and reset
Ignition switch interface
Diagnostics, status, curent, and speed eedback
Auoie ied
oil, and urea pumps
Automotive fans and blowers
The A4964 is a three-phase, sensorless, brushless DC
(BLDC) motor contoler for use with extemal N-chamel
power MOSFETs and is specificlly designed fo atomotive
applictions. It is designed to provide the motor control
functions ina system where a small microcontolle provides
the commumication interface to cetral ECU and inelligen
fault and staus handling. The A4964 provides te spply and
watchdog forthemicrocontrolerandthehigh-voltageineraces
between the microcontolerand the cental ECU and ignition
switch. The A4964 can also operate as an independentsingle-
chip remote motor controller.
The motor is driven using 3-phase sinusoidal curent drive
where phase commutation is determined, without the neec
for independent position sensors, by monitoring the moton
back-EMF (bemf). The sensorlesstart-up scheme includes
forward and reverse pre-rotation (windmil) detection anc
synchronization, andallows the A4964 to operate over a wide
range of motor and load combinations.
TheA4964 canoperatewithduty cycle(voltage) control. curen
(torque limit) control and cloed-oop speed contol Contro
mode,operating mode, andcontrolparametersareprogrammec
through an SPI-compatible serialinerface.
Asingle curent sense amplifier provides peak current limitins